Appendix D – File Format
This document gives information about the structure of RISA-3D input files. Nearly all elements in the input file are defined in this document, though there are elements not fully defined.
RISA-3D uses a plain text, keyword driven input file. The input data is delimited by sets of keyword labels that divide the input into a number of segments containing semantically related data.
Each input segment may include one or more input records. The input records are text strings that define sets of properties for single input items, e.g., label, coordinates, etc. for nodes. Each record is terminated with a semicolon (;), except for a few project description records (between the [.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION] and [.END_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION] labels). Those records are delimited by their corresponding keyword labels.
Multiple records are used to describe multiple instances of input items. The number of records immediately follows the keyword label and is given in the <> brackets.
The keywords inside each layout will have multiple instances in the file. The number of instances of these keywords will be equal to the number of layouts in the model. If the model carries RISAFoundation information it will be appended to the end of the file.
Lines starting with a // are ignored by the program and may be used for user comments.
The reading of Label fields (such as member names, or shape names) uses a combination of fixed length fields and field delimiter. The field lengths are set in the Label Length Data. Care should be taken to maintain the proper length for all label fields. If the length of the field is not entered correct, the program will attempt to use the field delimiters (") to read the data. A combination of incorrect field length and the use of (") marks within a shape label itself (e.g. a shape label of: 3/4" rod bracing) will result in the program producing an error during the reading of the file.
Input File Log File
If the program encounters a catastrophic error when reading in a data file, we scan the whole file for errors and write the information to “filename”.log. A message box pops up to let the user know what happened and where the log file is. Catastrophic errors include:
- Record Counters for a block of data are different than the actual number of records.
- Strings in the file are not the correct length AND include a semi color or double quote.
Input File Warning Log
If the program encounters a minor problem while reading a data file, we write out the issue to the warning log and then pop it up after the file is read in. Minor problems include:
- Duplicate Shape names have been renamed
- Duplicate Rebar Layout names have been renames
- Data in the file exceeds the current program maximums (older program opens a newer file which has larger limits)
Basic File Format Nomenclature
The file format has the following configuration:
[DATA_SEGMENT_A] <i> //count of records immediately following the keyword
[.DATA_SUBSEGMENT_A] <j> //nested sub-segment
[..DATA_SUBSEGMENT_A_A] <k> //another nested subsegment
[DATA_SEGMENT_B] //no record count here as no records immediately follow this keyword
Data File Header
The file header consists of the most basic data information (program, version, et cetera) and is arranged as shown below. The first line identifies the program associated with the input data file. The next three lines are used to identify the version number of the program that created this file. This is followed by the DATA INTEGRITY section which is used only for the detection of possible I/O errors.
This string of numerical numbers is used for detection of I/O errors and should not be edited manually.
[KEYID] <1>
This string records the hardware key idea used for license protection when this file was saved;
10 (Windows 10);
Units Data
The units section consists of one line of data that defines all units settings for the data file. These setting are explained below:
[UNITS] <1>
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n;
Explanation of Unit Parameters {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n;}
"a" is the integer used to define the use of "consistent units":
0 = all units selected by the user
1 = no units settings (i.e. user has selected the use of "consistent" units)
"b" is the integer used to define the "length_units":
0 = feet (default)
1 = inches
2 = meters
3 = centimeters
4 = millimeters Lengths unit
"c" is the integer used to define the "dim_units":
0 = inches (default)
1 = centimeters
2 = millimeters Dimensions unit
"d" is the integer used to define the "deflection_units":
0 = inches (default)
1 = centimeters
2 = millimeters Deflections unit
"e" is the integer used to define the "force_units":
0 = kips (default)
1 = lbs
2 = kN
3 = N
4= mt
5 = kg Forces unit
"f" is the integer used to define the "linear_force_units":
0 = kips/ft (default)
1 = kips/in
2 = lbs/ft
3 = lbs/in
4 = kN/m
5 = kN/cm
6 = kN/mm
7 = N/m
8 = N/cm
9 = N/mm
10 = mt/m
11 = mt/cm
12 = mt/mm
13 = kg/m
14 = kg/cm
15 = kg/mm Linear Forces unit
"g" is the integer used to define the "trans_spr_units":
0 = k/in (default)
1 = lb/in
2 = kN/cm
3 = kN/mm
4 = N/cm
5 = N/mm
6 = mt/cm
7 = mt/mm
8 = kg/cm
9 = kg/mm Translational Springs unit
"h" is the integer used to define the "moment_units":
0 = kip-ft (default)
1 = kip-in
2 = lb-ft
3 = lb-in
4 = kN-m
5 = kN-cm
6 = kN-mm
7 = N-m
8 = N-cm
9 = N-mm
10 = mt-m
11 = mt-cm
12 = mt-mm
13 = kg-m
14 = kg-cm
15 = kg-mm Moments unit
"i" is the integer used to define the "rot_spr_units":
0 = k-ft/rad (default)
1 = k-in/rad
2 = kN-m/rad
3 = kN-cm/rad
4 = kN-mm/rad
5 = mt-m/rad
6 = mt-cm/rad
7 = mt-mm/rad Rotational Springs unit
"j" is the integer used to define the "pressure_units":
0 = ksf (default)
1 = psf
2 = ksi
3 = psi
4 = MPa
5 = kPa
6 = Pa
7 = mt/m^2
8 = kg/m^2
9 = kg/mm^2 Surface/Area Loads unit
"k" is the integer used to define the "stress_units":
0 = ksi (default)
1 = psi
2 = MPa
3 = kPa
4 = Pa
5 = kg/mm^2 Stresses unit
"l" is the integer used to define the "strength_units":
0 = ksi (default)
1 = psi
2 = MPa
3 = kPa
4 = kg/mm^2 Material Strengths unit
"m" is the integer used to define the "density_units":
0 = k/ft^3 (default)
1 = k/in^3
2 = lb/ft^3
3 = lb/in^3
4 = mt/m^3
5 = mt/cm^3
6 = mt/mm^3
7 = kg/m^3
8 = kg/cm^3
9 = kg/mm^3 Weight Densities unit
"n" is the integer used to define the "temperature_units":
0 = Fahrenheit (default)
1 = Celsius Temperatures unit
Global Parameter Data
This section consists of the information contained in the Model Settings. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Text string use for the Model Title (198 characters max).
Text string use for the Company Name (198 characters max).
Text string use for the Designer's Name (198 characters max).
[..JOB_NUMBER] <1>
Text string use for the Job Number (198 characters max).
Text string use for the Model Title (1998 characters max).
a.aa c d e f g h.hh i j.jj k l.ll, m, n, o, p, q, r;
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o;
a c d f.ff h.hh i j.jj k
a.aa b c d.dd f.ff h i j.jj k.kk l.ll
a b c d e f .ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n.nn
a b d.dd f.ff h i
{a d.dd f.ff h i j.jj k l.ll n.nn o.oo p.pp q r t u.uu v.vv w.ww x.xx y.yy z.zz a1.a1a1 b1.b1b1 c1.c1c1 d1 e1.e1e1 f1.f1f1;}
{a.aa d.dd e;}
{a.aa d.dd f.ff g h i.ii j.jj k;}
a.aa c d e f g h i
a b c d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l
a.aa c d.dd e f g h.hh i j;
a b d.dd e f g h i.ii j k.kk l;
a.aa d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k l m n o p;
a b c;
Explanation of Solution Parameters {a.aa c d e f g h.hh i j.jj k l.ll m n o p q r}
"c" is the integer used to set the number of internal sections
1 = 10
2 = 20
3 = 40
4 = 60
5 = 80
6 = 100 (default)
7 = 150
8 = 200
"d" is the integer used to se the Number of Sections for displayed reports
This can b set to any integer from 2 to 20. The default is 5.
"e" is the integer used to designate if Shear Deformation shall be included in the analysis.
0 = Shear Deformation is excluded
1 = Shear Deformation is included (default)
"f" is the integer used to designate if Torsional Warping effects shall be included in the analysis.
0 = Warping is excluded
1 = Warping is included (default)
"g" is the integer used to designate what axis will be used as the vertical_axis
1 = X
2 = Y (default)
3 = Z
"i" is the integer used to designate the member_orient_default
0 = local z axis parallel to global XZ plane
1 = local z axis parallel to global XY plane
2 = local z axis parallel to global YZ plane Member Default Orientation
"k" is the integer that defines which type of static solver is used
0 = Standard Skyline solver will be used
1 = Sparse Accelerated solver will be used
"m" is the integer used for the transfer of load between intersecting wood walls
0 = transfer of loads will occur between intersecting wood walls
1 = transfer of loads will not occur between intersecting wood walls
"n" is the integer used to determine if increased nailing capacity of wood walls shall be used in the analysis
0 = increased nailing capacity will not be used
1 = increased nailing capacity will be used
"o" is the integer used to designate if P-Delta for wall shall be included in the analysis
0 = P-Delta for wall analysis will not be used
1 = P-Delta for wall analysis will be used
"p" is the integer used to determine if wall design shall be included in the analysis
0 = wall design shall not be included
1 = wall design shall be included
"r" is the integer that defines which type of dynamic solver is used
0 = Standard Solver will be used
1 = Accelerated Solver will be used
Explanation of Design Code Parameters {a b c d e f g h i j k l}
"a" is the integer used to designate the Hot Rolled Steel design code
0 = None
404 = AISC 360-10 (14th Edition) ASD
403 = AISC 360-10 (14th Edition) LRFD
304 = AISC 360-05 (13th Edition) ASD
303= AISC 360-05 (13th Edition) LRFD
9 = AISC ASD (9th Edition)
2 = AISC LRFD (2nd Edition)
3 = AISC LRFD (3rd Editions)
73 = CSA S16-09
72 = CSA S16-05
71 = CSA S16-01
7 = CSA S16.1-94
5 = BS 5950-1:2000
300 = ENV 1993-1-1: 1992
305 = EN 1993-1-1: 2005 (including the U.K. National Annex provisions)
8 = IS 800: 1998
81 = IS 800: 2007
301 = NZS 3404: 1997
302 = AS 4100-1998
"b" is the integer used to designate the Cold Formed Steel design code
0 = None
9 = AISI-99 ASD
2 = AISI-99 LRFD
10 = AISI NAS-2001 ASD
11 = AISI NAS-2001 LRFD
12 = CANACERO-2001 ASD
14 = CSA S136-01 LSD
15 = AISI NAS-2004 ASD
16 = AISI NAS-2004 LRFD
17 = AISI S100-2007 ASD
18 = AISI S100-2007 LRFD
19 = CANACERO-2004 ASD
23 = CSA S136-04 LSD
24 = CSA S136-07 LSD
25 = AISI S100-10 ASD
26 = AISI S100-10 LRFD
27 = CSA S136-10 LSD
28 = CANACERO-2010 ASD
"c" is the integer used to designate the Wood design code
0 = None
9 = NDS 91/97: ASD
2 = NDS 2001: ASD Wood design code
3 = NDS 2005: ASD Wood design code
4 = NDS 2012: ASD Wood design code
"d" is the integer used to designate the Wood Temperature setting
0 = temp < 100F (default)
1 = temp 100F-125F
2 = temp > 125F Wood Temperature
"e" is the integer used to designate the Concrete Design Code
0 = None
1 = ACI 318: 1999
2 = ACI 318: 2002
3 = ACI 318: 2005
12 = ACI 318: 2008
16 = ACI 318: 2011
5 = EC 2: 1992
6 = CSA A23.3- 1994
14 = CSA A23.3- 2004
7 = IS 456-2000
8 = AS 3600: 2001
9 = NZS 3101: 1995
10 = NTC-DF: 2004
15 = SBC 304: 2007
4 = BS 8110-1: 1997
13 = BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
"f" is the integer used to designate the Adjust Stiffness for Hot Rolled when applicable
0 = Yes (Iterative)
1 = Yes (Tau = 1.0)
2 = No
"g" is the integer used to designate the Masonry Design Code
0 = None
1 = UBC 97- ASD
2 = UBC 97- Strength
3 = MSJC 99- ASD
4 = MSJC 02- ASD
5 = MSJC 02- Strength
6 = MSJC 05- ASD
7 = MSJC 05- Strength
8 = MSJC 08- ASD
9 = MSJC 08- Strength
10 = MSJC 11- ASD
11 = MSJC 11- Strength
"h" is the integer used to designate the Special Inspection for UBC 97
0 = No
1 = Yes
"i" is the integer used to designate the Aluminum Design Code
0 = None
3 = ADM 2005- ASD
4 = ADM 2005- LRFD
5 = ADM 2010- ASD
6 = ADM 2010- LRFD
"j" is the integer used to designate the Aluminum Bridge or Building designation
0 = Building
1 = Bridge
"k" is the integer used to designate the Adjust Stiffness for Hot Rolled Steel0
0 = Yes (Iterative)
1 = Yes (Tau = 1.0)
2 = No
"l" is the integer used to designate the Euro Annex
0 = None
1 = UK
"m" is the integer used to designate the Connections design code
0 = None
404 = AISC 360-10 (14th Edition) ASD
403 = AISC 360-10 (14th Edition) LRFD
304 = AISC 360-05 (13th Edition) ASD
303= AISC 360-05 (13th Edition) LRFD
73 = CSA S16-09
"o" is the integer used to designate the Adjust Stiffness for Aluminum
0 = Yes (Iterative)
1 = Yes (Tau = 1.0)
2 = No
Explanation of Wind Parameters {a c d f.ff h.hh i j.jj k}
“a” is the integer used to designate the selected wind code.
0 = None
1 = ASCE 7-95
2 = ASCE 7-98
3 = ASCE 7-02
4 = ASCE 7-05
5 = IS 875: 1987
6 = NTC 2004
7 = NBC 2005
8 = ASCE 7-10
9 = NBC 2010
“c” is the integer used to designate the exposure category.
1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
“k” is the integer used to designate if the loads were calculated.
0 = calculated
Explanation of IS Wind Parameters Data {a.aa b c d.dd f.ff h i j.jj k.kk l.ll}
“c” is the integer used to designate the exposure category.
1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
“h” is the integer used to designate whether Frictional drag is applied.
0 = not applied
1 = applied
“i” is the integer used to designate whether gust effect is applied.
0 = not applied
1 = applied
Explanation of Mexican Wind Parameters Data {a b c d e f .ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n o.oo}
“a” is the integer used to represent the building type.
0 = type 1
1 = type 2
2 = type 3
“b” is the integer used to represent the Importance category.
0 = A
1 = B
2 = Temporal
“c” is the integer used to represent the Aeolian Zone.
0 = Zone I
1 = Zone II
“d” is the integer used to represent the type of terrain.
0 = R1
1 = R2
2 = R3
3 = R4
“e” is the integer used to represent the type of topography.
0 = T1
1 = T2
2 = T3
3 = T4
4 = T5
“n” is the integer to represent the structure.
0 = concrete
1 = steel
Explanation of NBC 2005 Wind Parameters Data {a b d.dd f.ff h i}
“a” is the integer used to represent importance category
0 = Low
1 = Normal
2 = High
3 = Post-Disaster
“b” is the integer used to represent the type of terrain.
0 = Open
1 = Rough
2 = Very Rough
“i” is the integer used to designate the Limit State.
0 = SLS
1 = ULS
Explanation of Seismic Parameters Data {a d.dd f.ff h i j.jj k l.ll n.nn o.oo p.pp q r t u.uu v.vv w.ww x.xx y.yy z.zz a1.a1a1 b1.b1b1 c1.c1c1 d1 e1.e1e1 f1.f1f1}
“a” is the integer used to designate the selected seismic code.
0 = None
1 = UBC 1997
2 = IBC 2000
3 = CBC 2001
4 = ASCE 7-02
5 = ASCE 7-05
6 = IS 1893: 2002
7 = NTC 2004
8 = NBC 2005
9 = ASCE 7-10
10 = NBC 2010
“h” is the integer used to represent to seismic zone.
0 = 1
1 = 2A
2 = 2B
3 = 3
4 = 4
“i” is the integer used to designate the occupancy category.
0 = 1
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 5
For ASCE 7-02:
0 = Group I
1 = Group II
2 = Group III
For ASCE 7-05:
0 = Occupancy Category I or II
1 = Occupancy Category III
2 = Occupancy Category IV
For ASCE 7-10:
0 = Risk Category I or II
1 = Risk Category III
2 = Risk Category IV
“d1” is the integer used to designate the drift category.
0 = High Drift Design
1 = Masonry Cantilever
2 = Other Masonry
3 = Other
Explanation of Seismic Detailing Data {a.aa d.dd }
Explanation of IS Seismic Parameters data {a.aa d.dd f.ff g h i.ii j.jj k}
“g” is the integer used to designate the seismic zone.
0 = 2
1 = 3
2 = 4
“h” is the integer used to designate the soil type.
0 = Rocky/Hard
1 = Medium
2 = Soft
“k” is the integer used to designate the drift category.
0 = High Drift Design
1 = Masonry Cantilever
2 = Other Masonry
3 = Other
Explanation of Mexican Seismic Parameters data {a.aa c d e f g h i}
“c” is the integer used to designate the Q (X) factor.
0 = 1
1 = 1.5
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
“d” is the integer used to designate the Q (Z) factor.
0 = 1
1 = 1.5
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
“e” is the Irregularity (X) factor.
0 = 1.0
1 = 0.9
2 = 0.8
3 = 0.7
“f” is the Irregularity (Z) factor.
0 = 1.0
1 = 0.9
2 = 0.8
3 = 0.7
“g” is the integer used to designate the seismic zone.
0 = I
1 = II
2 = III
3 = IIIa
4 = IIIb
5 = IIIc
6 = IIId
“h” is the integer used to designate the group.
0 = A
1 = B
“i” is the integer used to designate the drift category.
0 = High Drift Design
1 = Masonry Cantilever
2 = Other Masonry
3 = Other
Explanation of NBC 2005 Seismic Parameters data {a b c d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l}
“a” is the integer used to represent the Importance level.
0 = Low
1 = Normal
2 = High
3 = Post-Disaster
“b” is the integer used to represent the Site Class.
0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
3 = C
4 = D
5 = E
“c” is the integer used to designate the Building Type.
0 = Steel Moment Frame
1 = Concrete Moment Frame
2 = Braced Frame
3 = Walls & Others
“l” is the integer used to designate the drift category.
0 = High Drift Design
1 = Masonry Cantilever
2 = Other Masonry
3 = Other
Explanation of Notional Load Parameters data {a.aa c d e f g h.hh i j}
Explanation of Concrete Data {a b d.dd e f g h i.ii j k.kk l m}
"a" is the integer used to designate if "Framing Warnings" should be shown.
0 = exclude Bad Framing Warnings (default)
1 = include Bad Framing Warnings
"b" is the integer used to designate if Cracked Sections should be considered
0 = use unmodified gross section properties for the bending stiffness
1 = use cracked section stiffness (default)
"f" is the integer used to designate the whether the concrete force warnings should be displayed or not.
0 = exclude Unused Force Warnings
1 = include Unused Force Warnings (default)
"g" is the integer used to designate which concrete stress block should be used.
1 = Rectangular Stress Block (default)
2 = Parabolic Stress Block
"h" is the integer used to designate which method should be used for the Bi-Axial column solutions.
1 = PCA Load Contour Method (default)
2 = Exact Integration Method
"j" is the integer used to designate rebar set being used.
0 = ASTM A615 (default)
1 = ASTM A615M
2 = BS 4449
3 = prENV 10080
4 = CSA G30.18
5 = IS 1786 Concrete Rebar Set
"l" is the integer used to designate if you are requiring only 1 bar diameter clear spacing.
0 = 2 bar diameters clear spacing used to account for splices (default)
1 = only 1 bar diameter clear spacing required
Explanation of Footing Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k l m n o p}
"k" is the integer used to designate the size of the Footings top bars.
"l" is the integer used to designate the size of the Footing's bottom bars.
"m" is the integer used to designate the size of the Pedestal's vertical bars.
"n" is the integer used to designate the size of the Pedestal's shear ties.
For k, l, m, and n the integer entries correspond to the following bars.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
9 = #14
10 = #18 Pedestal Ties Size
"o" is the integer used to designate if the footing should be checked for concrete bearing at the pedestal / footing interface.
0 = exclude the bearing check
1 = include the bearing check (default)
"p" is the integer used to designate if the footing design should include self weight and Overburden of the footing in the Load Combinations used for the concrete design
0 = exclude self weight (default)
1 = Include Self Weight and Overburden
Explanation of the LC Generator RLL Data. (a, b, c)
Label Length Data
This section consists of the label lengths for each section of labels that will be used. This is done so that we can accommodate the use of double quote marks (") within our data file.
Explanation of Label Length Data {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w}
Project Grid Data
This section consists of the Project Grid information. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
0.0 \\ default Project Grid Elevation
Project Grid Labels (20 characters max)
[.VERT_GRID] <n>
Project Grid Labels (20 characters max)
Explanation of Project Grid Information {a.aa,}
Typically the project grid labels are A, B, C, D, E in one direction and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the other direction. However, the program supports any label up to 20 characters long.
Material Property Data
This section consists of the Material Property Data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
"MATERIAL_LABEL " a.aa d.dd;
"MATERIAL_LABEL " a.aa d.dd f.ff, g, h.hh, i.ii, j.jj;
"MATERIAL_LABEL " a.aa d.dd f.ff, h;
"MATERIAL_LABEL” a.aa d.dd f h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l;
"WOOD_LABEL " "CUST_SPECIES LABEL " a b c d f.ff h.hh;
"CUST_SPECIES LABEL " a.aa d.dd e f.ff g ;
"MATERIAL_LABEL " a.aa d.dd f.ff;
"MATERAL_LABEL" a.aa d.dd f.ff g h i j k.kk l.ll;
Explanation of General Material Data {a.aa d.dd f}
The Material Label must be a unique identifier and may not be repeated (even in another material type).
Explanation of Hot Rolled Material Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff g h.hh i.ii j.jj}
Explanation of Cold Formed Material Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff h}
Explanation of the Aluminum Material Data {a.aa d.dd f h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l}
“f” is the integer used to designate the Aluminum table
0 = Table B.4-1
1 = Table B.4-2
Explanation of the Wood Material Data {a b c d f.ff h.hh}
Wood materials unique in that their material properties (E, Fc, Fb et cetera) are depended on their cross sectional size. Therefore, they are called out very differently in the data file.
The Material Label must be a unique identifier and may not be repeated (even in another material type).
The Custom Species Label (if present) references the species name that should be designated in the Custom Wood Species section.
"a" is the integer used to identify if this is a standard NDS wood material, or if it is a user defined "custom" wood species:
0 = standard wood material
1 = custom wood material
"b" is the integer used to identify the wood species:
1 = Aspen
2 = Balsam Fir
3 = Beech-Birch-Hickory
4 = Coast Sitka Spruce
5 = Cottonwood
6 = Douglas Fir-Larch
7 = Douglas Fir-Larch (North)
8 = Douglas Fir- South
9 = Eastern Hemlock
10 = Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack
11 = Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (N)
12 = Eastern Softwoods
13 = Eastern Spruce
14 = Eastern White Pine
15 = Hem-Fir
16 = Hem-Fir (North)
17 = Mixed Maple
18 = Mixed Oak
19 = Mixed Southern Pine
20 = Mountain Hemlock
21 = Northern Pine
22 = Northern Red Oak
23 = Northern Species
24 = Northern White Cedar
25 = Ponderosa Pine
26 = Red Maple
27 = Red Oak
28 = Red Pine
29 = Redwood
30 = Sitka Spruce
31 = Southern Pine
32 = Spruce-Pine-fir
33 = Spruce-Pine-Fir (South)
34 = Western Cedars
35 = Western Cedars (North)
36 = Western Hemlock
37 = Western Hemlock (North)
38 = Western White Pine
39 = Western Woods
40 = White Oak
41 = Yellow Poplar
"c" is the integer used to identify the grade of the wood material:
1 = Select Structural
2 = No.1
3 = No.2
4 = No.3
5 = Stud
6 = Construction
7 = Standard
8 = Utility
9 = Dense Select Structural
10 = Non-Dense Select Structural
11 = No.1 Dense
12 = No.1 Non-Dense
13 = No.2 Dense
14 = No.2 Non-Dense
15 = Dense Structural D86
16 = Dense Structural D72
17 = Dense Structural D65
18 = No.1 & Better
19 = Clear Structural
20 = Select Structural, Open Grain
21 = No.1, Open Grain
22 = No.2, Open Grain
23 = No.3, Open Grain
"d" is the integer used to set the Cm factor (wet service / moisture content)
0 = Cm factor set to 1.0 (default)
1 = Cm factor for wet service is used
Explanation of the Custom Wood Material Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff g}
When a custom wood material is create, the properties Fb, Ft, Fv, Fc, and E must be specified by the user.
The Custom Wood Species label is a designator used by the user may be up to 32 characters long.
"g" is the integer used to designate if the material is a Structural Composite Lumber (such as Parallam or Versallam).
0 = material is not SCL (default)
1 = material is SCL
Explanation of Concrete Material Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff g h.hh i.ii j.jj}
Explanation of the Masonry Material Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff g h i j k.kk l.ll}
“h” is the integer used to designate the method of calculating the wall panel self weight
1 = using a uniform density
2 = using block and grout properties.
“i” is the integer used to designate the Block Material.
0 = Clay 120
1 = Conc 103
2 = Conc 115
3 = Conc 135
“j” is the integer used to designate the Grout Weight
0 = 105 pcf
1 = 140 pcf
Section Set Data
This section consists of the Section Set Data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
"SECTION_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii;
"SECTION_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii;
"SECTION_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii;
"SECTION_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii;
"SECTION_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii;
"SECTION_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii;
Explanation of the Section Set Data {a b c d e f.ff h.hh i.ii}
When a Section Set is stored, it must contain all the relevant data associated with that section.
The Section Label is a designator set by the user that can be up to 20 characters long.
The Design List references the redesign file is designated by the user and can be up to 32 characters long.
The Shape Label is a designator set by the user and can be up to 20 characters long.
"a" is the integer used to define the Member Type.
0 = None
1 = Beam
2 = Column
3 = HBrace
4 = VBrace Member Type
"b" is the integer used to define the Material Type.
0 = General Material
1 = Hot Rolled Steel
2 = Cold Formed Steel
3 = Wood
4 = Not Used
5 = Concrete
"c" is the integer used to define the Material Offset.
0 is the first entry in the Materials spreadsheet for that material type, 1 is the 2nd entry, et cetera.
"d" is the integer used to define the Shape Lock code.
0 = member can be redesigned
1 = member’s shape set by user Determines whether the shape can be changed by the program (redesign)
"e" is the integer used to define the Redesign Rules associated with this section set.
-1 = no redesign rules applied
0+ = design rule offset by user Design Rules (0 is the first entry in the Design Rules spreadsheet, 1 is the 2nd, et cetera).
Wood Schedule & Holddown Data
Explanation of the Wood Schedules Data {a.aa c d f.ff}
“c” is the integer used to designate if Over Gypsum is selected.
0 = not selected
1 = selected
Explanation of the Wood Hold-down Data {a b d.dd e f h.hh i.ii}
Design Rules
This section consists of the Design Rule Data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
"REDESIGN_LABEL" a.aa d.dd f.ff;
"REDESIGN_LABEL" a.aa d.dd f.ff g h.hh i.ii j k.kk l.ll;
"REDESIGN_LABEL" a b c d.dd f.ff h j.jj k.kk;
Explanation of the Design Rule - Size / UC Data {a.aa d.dd f.ff}
The Design Rule Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
Explanation of the Deflection Rules {a.aa d.dd f.ff g h.hh i.ii j k.kk l.ll}
The Design Rule Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
"g" is the integer used to define the Load Category for the additional deflection criteria (other category1).
0 = None
1 = DLPre
2 = LLConst
3 = DLConst
4 = DL
5 = LL
6 = LLS
7 = RLL
8 = SL
9 = SLN
10 = RL
11 = OL1
12 = OL2
13 = OL3
14 = OL4
"j" is the integer used to define the Load Category for the additional deflection criteria (other category 2).
0 = None
1 = DLPre
2 = LLConst
3 = DLConst
4 = DL
5 = LL
6 = LLS
7 = RLL
8 = SL
9 = SLN
10 = RL
11 = OL1
12 = OL2
13 = OL3
14 = OL4
Explanation of the Rebar Rules {a b c d.dd f.ff h j.jj k.kk}
The Design Rule Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
"a" is the integer used to define the minimum flexural bar size. For ASTM bar set, this corresponds to.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5 (default)
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
9 = #14
10 = #18
"b" is the integer used to define the maximum flexural bar size. For ASTM bar set, this corresponds to.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5 (default)
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
9 = #14
10 = #18
"c" is the integer used to define the size of the shear ties. For ASTM bar set, this corresponds to.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5 (default)
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
9 = #14
10 = #18
Wall Design Rule Data
"LABEL" a f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u.uu v.vv w x y.yy z.zz a1 b1 c1 d1 e1.e1e1 f1.f1f1 g1 h1 i1.i1i1;
a d.dd e f.ff h.hh i j k.kk l.ll n o p;
Explanation of the Masonry Wall Panel wall design rules data {a d.dd f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u.uu v.vv w x y.yy z.zz a1 b1 c1 d1 e1.e1e1 f1.f1f1 g1 h1 i1.i1i1}
“a” is the integer used to designate the Block Nominal Width.
0 = 4”
1 = 6”
2 = 8”
3 = 10”
4 = 12”
“i” is the integer used to designate the Block Grouting.
0 = Fully Grouted
1 = Partial Grouted
2 = Ungrouted
“j” is the integer used to designate reinforcement.
0 = not reinforced
1 = reinforced
“k” is the integer used to designate the minimum bar spacing.
0 = 8”
1 = 16”
2 = 24”
3 = 32”
4 = 40”
5 = 48”
6 = 56”
7 = 64”
8 = 72”
“l” is the integer used to designate the maximum bar spacing.
0 = 8”
1 = 16”
2 = 24”
3 = 32”
4 = 40”
5 = 48”
6 = 56”
7 = 64”
8 = 72”
“m” is the integer used to designate the bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“n” is the integer used to designate whether the loads are transferred out of plane.
0 = not transferred
1 = transferred
“o” is the integer used to designate the bar placement.
0 = Center
1 = Non-Center
2 = Each Face
3 = Staggered
“p” is the integer used to designate the mortar type.
0 = Type M or S
1 = Type N
“q” is the integer used to designate the cement type.
0 = Portland, Lime/Mortar
1 = Masonry, Air Entrained PCL
“r” is the integer used to designate the vertical bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“s” is the integer used to designate the horizontal bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“t” is the integer used to designate the bars per cell.
0 = 1
1 = 2
“w” is the integer used to designate if Shear increments are being multiplied by 1.5.
0 = not multiplied by a factor of 1.5
1 = multiplied by a factor of 1.5
“x” is the integer used to designate the loads are transferred out of plane.
0 = not transferred
1 = transferred
“a1” is the integer used to designate bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“d1” is the integer used to designate the number of layers.
0 = 1
1 = 2
2 = 3
“g1” is the integer used to designate the stirrup size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“h1” is the integer used to designate the Wall Area Method.
0 = NCMA
1 = RMEH
Explanation of the Wood Wall Panel wall design rules data {a d f.ff g h i j k l.ll n o p q.qq r u.uu v.vv w x.xx y}
“j” is the integer used to designate the use of green lumber.
0 = green lumber not being used
1 = green lumber is used.
Explanation of the Concrete Wall Panel wall design rules data {a d.dd e f.ff h.hh i j k.kk l.ll n o p}
“a” is the integer used to designate vertical bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“e” is the integer used to designate the horizontal bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
“i” is the integer used to designate the Outer Bars orientation.
0 = Vertical
1 = Horizontal
“j” is the integer used to designate the bar placement location.
0 = Each Face
1 = Centered
“n” is the integer used to designate the selection of the group wall checkbox.
0 = not group wall
1 = group wall
“o” is the integer used to designate the selection of the transfer in checkbox.
0 = Not transferred in
1 = transferred in
“p” is the integer used to designate the selection of the transfer out checkbox.
0 = Not transferred out
1 = transferred out
Explanation of the UC Wall Panel wall design rules data {a.aa}
Seismic Design Rule Data
Explanation of the Seismic design rules data {a b c d e f.ff h i}
“a” is the integer used to designate the frame ductility.
0 = high
1 = moderate
2 = minimal
“b” is the integer used to designate the requirement of over strengthening columns.
0 = not required
1 = required
“d” is the integer used to designate the Moment Connection
0 = BFP
1 = RBS
4 = WUF-W
5 = Other/None
6 = KBB-W
7 = KBB-B
“e” is the integer used to designate the requirement of over strengthening beams.
0 = not required
1 = required
“h” is the integer used to designate the requirement of over strengthening braces.
0 = not required
1 = required
“i” is the integer used to designate the selection of KL/r.
0 = not selected
1 = selected
Connection Rule Data
Explanation of the Connection Rules data {a b c d e f.ff g}
“a” is the integer used to designate the type.
1 = Column/Beam Clip Double Angle Shear or Column/Beam Clip Single Angel Shear
2 = Column/Beam End-Plate Shear
3 = Column/Beam Shear Tab Shear
4 = Column/Beam Extended End-Plate Moment
5 = Column/Beam Flange Plate Moment
6 = Girder/Beam Clip Single Angle Shear or Girder/Beam Clip Double Angle Shear
7 = Girder/Beam End Plate Shear.
8 = Girder/Beam Shear Tab Shear
9 = Beam Shear Tab Splice
10 = Beam Moment Plate Splice
11 = Beam Extended End Plate Splice
12 = Column Shear Tab Splice
13 = Column Moment Plate Splice
14 = Column Extended End Plate Splice
15 = Diagonal Vertical Brace
16 = Chevron Vertical Brace
17 = Beam Direct Weld Splice
18 = Column Direct Weld Splice
19 = Column/Beam Direct Weld Moment
20 = Column/Beam Seismic Moment
21 = Column/Beam Partially Extended End-Plate Moment
22 = Column/Beam Flush End-Plate Moment
23 = Diagonal Brace Seismic
24 = Chevron Brace Seismic
25 = Single Column Baseplate
26 = Knee Brace
“c” is the integer used to represent the beam connection.
0 = Welded
1 = Bolted
-1 = N/A
“d” is the integer used to represent the column/girder connection.
0 = Welded
1 = Bolted
-1 = N/A
“g” is the integer used to designate the connection type.
1 = Shear
2 = Moment
3 = Brace
4 = Baseplate
Nodal Coordinate Data
This section consists of the Nodal Coordiante Data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
[NODES] <n>
Explanation of the Node Coordinate Data {a.aa d.dd e f g}
The Node Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
"f" is the integer used to define the diaphragm connectivity.
0 = node attached (default)
1 = node detached
2 = node must be attached (even if in an opening)
99 = node within an opening Detach From Diaphragm
"g" is the integer used to define the RISAFloor interaction.
0 = node not transferred from RISAFloor
1 = node transferred from RISAFloor
Boundary Condition Data
This section consists of the Boundary Condition Data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Boundary Condition Data {a b c d e f g h i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll o.oo}
"b", "c", "d", are the integers used to designate the Boundary codes for the X, Y and Z translations.
0 = Free (default)
1 = Fixed
2 = Spring
4 = Reaction
5 = Compression Spring
6 = Tension Spring
-k = Tethered, k = Tethered to node number X translation
1001 = Story node (story1)
1002 = Story node (story2)... et cetera
"e", "f", "g", are the integers used to designate the Boundary codes for the X, Y and Z rotations.
0 = Free (default)
1 = Fixed
2 = Spring
4 = Reaction
5 = Compression Spring
6 = Tension Spring
-k = Tethered, k = Tethered to node number X translation
"h" is the integer used to designate the Footing associated with that Boundary Conditions
-1 = no footing (default)
0 ~ 499 = Footing Offset from Footings spreadsheet. The first footing would have an offset of 0, the second an offset of 1.
Diaphragm Data
This section consists of the Rigid Diaphragm Data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Diaphragm Data {a b c d}
"b" is the integer used to define the plane of the diaphragm.
88 = XY
89 = YZ
90 = ZX (default) Plane
"c" is the integer used to define the type of diaphragm.
77 = Membrane (default)
80 = Planar Type
"d" is the integer used to define the activation of the diaphragm.
0 = Inactive
1 = Active (default) Inactive
Drift Definition Data
Explanation of the Drift Definition Data {a b c d.dd}
Shape List Data
This section consists of the Shape data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Shape List Data {a b c p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8....p23}
The Shape Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 32 characters long.
"a" is the integer used to designate the database from which this shape was defined.
(…) Database Code
"b" is the integer used to designate the shape type.
200 = CU_SHAPE
201 = CS_SHAPE
202 = ZU_SHAPE
203 = ZS_SHAPE
204 = HU_SHAPE
252 = CL_SHAPE
253 = CT_SHAPE
"c" is the integer used to designate the Material Type for this shape.
0 = General Material
1 = Hot Rolled Steel
2 = Cold Formed Steel
3 = Wood
4 = Glulam
5 = Concrete
6 = Aluminum Material Type
Member Data
This section consists of the Member data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
"MEMBER_LABEL" "DESIGN_LIST" "SHAPE_LABEL" a b c d.dd e f g h i j k l m o p;
"MEMBER_LABEL" a b.b c.c d.d e.e f.f g.g h.h i.i j.j k.k l.l m.m o p q r.r s.s t.t u.u v.v w.w;
"MEMBER_LABEL" a d.dd e f.ff h.hh;
Explanation of the Member Main Data {a b c d.dd e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t}
The Member Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
The Design List references the redesign file designated by the user and may be up to 32 characters long.
The Shape Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 32 characters long.
"e" is the integer used to define the section set offset (or whether the member is explicitly defined).
-1 = shape entered directly
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... = section set offset for that material type
"f" is the integer used to designate the tension only or compression only members
1 = compression only
2 = tension only
3 = for Euler Buckling Tension/compression
"g" is the integer used to designate the Design Rules applied to this member
-1 = no redesign rules applied
0+ = design rules set by user Design Rules
"h" is the integer used to designate the Material Type for this member
0 = General Material
1 = Hot Rolled Steel
2 = Cold Formed Steel
3 = Wood
4 = Glulam
5 = Concrete
6 = Aluminum Material Type
"m" is the integer used to designate if the member is a physical member
0 = Not a Physical Member
1 = Yes a Physical Member
"o" is the integer used to designate if the member should have a "top of member" offset.
0 = No offset
1 = Yes Member Top Offset
"p" is the integer used to designate the member activation
19 = Active
1 = Inactive
3 = Excluded
“q” is the 3D function
0 = gravity
1 = lateral
"r" is the integer used to designate the "Seismic Design Rules"
Explanation of the Member Design Parameters {a d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll o p q r.rr u.uu v.vv w.ww x y z.zz a1.a1a1 b1.b1b1 c1.c1c1}
The Member Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
Explanation of the Member Supplemental Data {a b c d e f}
The Member Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
Explanation of the Member Detailing Data {a b c d e f g h}
The Member Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
Plate Data
This section consists of the Plate data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
[PLATES] <n>
Explanation of the Plate Data {a b c d e f g h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll o p q r s t u v w x}
The Plate Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 32 characters long.
Wall Panel Data
This section consists of the Wall Panel data. Indentations are shown for illustration only. The Footing entries should each be contained on one line and should NOT wrap around to a second line.
"WALLPANEL_LABEL" {a b c d e f.ff g h i j.jj k.kk l.ll n o.oo p q r s u.uu v w x.xx y.yy z.zz;}
{a d.dd;}
"REGION_LABEL" {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p.pp q r s t u.uu v w;}
{a.aa d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll;}
{a b d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n.nn o p q r;}}
"LINTEL LABEL" {a d.dd f.ff h.hh i j.jj k.kk l m n o p.pp q.qq r s t u.uu v.vv w x.xx y.yy z a1 b1:}
{a b c d.dd f.ff, h.hh i.ii j k l m n o p.pp q.qq r.rr u.uu v w;}
{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u;}
Explanation of the Wall Panel General {a b c d e f.ff g h i j.jj k.kk l.ll n o.oo p q r s u.uu v w x.xx y.yy z.zz}
The Wall Panel Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
"c" is the integer used to indicate the Material Type.
4 = Masonry
5 = Concrete
"d" is the integer used to indicate the Material Offset.
For Concrete:
0 = Conc3000NW
1 = Conc3500NW
2 = Conc4000NW
3 = Conc3000LW
4 = Conc3500LW
5 = Conc4000LW
For Masonry:
0 = CMU Block
1 = Clay Material
2 = General Masonry
Explanation of Wall Panel Nodes {a d.dd;}
Explanation of Wall Panel Region {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p.pp q r s t u.uu v w}
The Wall Panel Region label is a designator set by the user may be up to 30 characters long.
Explanation of Wall Panel Region Nodes {a.aa d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll}
Explanation of Wall Panel Openings {a b d.dd f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n.nn o p q r }
Explanation of the Wood Blocks data.
Explanation of the Wood Straps data.
Explanation of Wall Panel Openings inactive
This is just a flag that determines whether a wall panel is active, inactive or excluded.
Explanation of Wall Panel Lintels {a d.dd f.ff h.hh i j.jj k.kk l m n o p.pp q.qq r s t u.uu v.vv w x.xx y.yy z a1 b1}
The Wall Panel Lintel Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
Explanation of Wall Panel Boundary Conditions {a b c d.dd f.ff, h.hh i.ii j k l m n o p.pp q.qq r.rr u.uu v w}
"b" is the integer used to designate the boundary condition type.
0 = Free (default)
1 = Fixed
2 = Spring
4 = Reaction
5 = Compression Spring
6 = Tension Spring
"j" is an integer to designate the boundary condition’s X translation restraint.
0 = Free
4 = Reaction
"k" is an integer to designate the boundary condition’s Y translation restraint.
0 = Free
4 = Reaction
"l" is an integer to designate the boundary condition’s Z translation restraint.
0 = Free
4 = Reaction
"m" is an integer to designate the boundary condition’s rotational restraint about the X axis.
0 = Free
4 = Reaction
"n" is an integer to designate the boundary condition’s rotational restraint about the Y axis.
0 = Free
4 = Reaction
Explanation of Wall Panel Release {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u}
Explanation of Wall Panel Detach Diaphragm
This is where information about whether diaphragms are detached from the wall panel.
Footing Data
This section consists of the Footing data. Indentations are shown for illustration only. The Footing entries should each be contained on one line and should NOT wrap around to a second line.
Explanation of the Footing Data {a.a b.b c.c d.d e.e f.f g.g h.h j.j k.k l.l m.m o.o p.p q.q r.r s.s t.t u.u v.v w.w x y z a1 b1 c1}
The Footing Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 20 characters long.
Basic Load Case Data
This section consists of the Basic Load Case data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Basic Load Case Data {a b c d e f g h i.ii j.jj k.kk}
The Basic Load Case Label is a designator set by the user. It can be up to 30 characters.
Nodal Load Data
This section consists of the Nodal Load data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Nodal Load Data {a b d e}
"b" is the integer used to designate the load direction
88 = Gobal X Direction
89 = Global Y Direction
90 = Global Z Direction
"d" is the integer used to designate the type of load
76 = Load
68 = Displacement
77 = Mass
Member Point Load Data
This section consists of the Member Point Load data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Member (or Wall Panel) Point Load Data {a b d.dd e f h}
"d.dd" is the number used to designate the location along the length of the member
-10 would indicate 10% along the length of the member (from the I joint).
10 would indicate 10 ft from the I joint of the member.
Direct Member Distributed Load Data
This section consists of the Member Distributed Load data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Member Distributed Load Data {a b d.dd f.ff g h i.ii j.jj k}
"b" is the integer used to designate the load direction
88 = Gobal X Direction
89 = Global Y Direction
90 = Global Z Direction
120 = Local x Direction
121 = Local y Direction
122 = Local z Direction
76 = Projected Load in the Global X direction
86 = Projected Load in the Global Y direction
72 = Projected Load in the Global Z direction
84 = Thermal Load
"" is the number used to designate the starting location of the load
-10 would indicate 10% along the length of the member (from the I joint).
10 would indicate 10 ft from the I joint of the member.
"f.ff" is the number used to designate the ending location of the load
-10 would indicate 10% along the length of the member (from the I joint).
10 would indicate 10 ft from the I joint of the member.
Member Area Load Data
This section consists of the Member Area Load data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Member Area Load Data {a b c d e f h i}
"e" is the integer used to designate the load direction
88 = Gobal X Direction
89 = Global Y Direction
90 = Global Z Direction
76 = Projected Load in the Global X direction
86 = Projected Load in the Global Y direction
72 = Projected Load in the Global Z direction
"f" is the number used to designate the area load distribution direction
0 = Two Way
1 = A-B
2 = B-C
3 = C-D
4 = A-D
5 = A-C
6 = B-D
Surface Load Data
This section consists of the Surface Load data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Surface Load Data {a b d e f.ff h.hh i j k.kk l.ll n.nn o.oo}
"b" is the integer used to designate the Direction
120 = Local x Direction
121 = Local y Direction
122 = Local z Direction
88 = Gobal X Direction
89 = Global Y Direction
90 = Global Z Direction
76 = Projected Load in the Global X direction
86 = Projected Load in the Global Y direction
72 = Projected Load in the Global Z direction
“e” is the integer used to designate the element type.
3 = Plate
7 = Wall Panel
? = Diaphragm
Moving Load Database Data
Explanation of Moving Load Database Data {a | c d.dd | f}
“c” is the integer used to designate the load direction.
120 = Local x Direction
121 = Local y Direction
122 = Local z Direction
88 = Gobal X Direction
89 = Global Y Direction
90 = Global Z Direction
76 = Projected Load in the Global X direction
86 = Projected Load in the Global Y direction
72 = Projected Load in the Global Z direction
Moving Load Data
This section consists of the Moving Load data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Moving Load Data {a c d e f g h i j k l}
The Moving Load Label references the Moving Load defined in the Moving Load Library file.
Time History Data
This section consists of the Time History data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
{a b d.dd f.ff h.hh;}
a b c d e f g h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n.nn o.oo;
Explanation of the Time History Input Data {a b d.dd f.ff h.hh;}
Explanation of the Time History Pattern General Data {a}
Explanation of the Time History Pattern Entries Data {a b c d e f g h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n.nn o.oo}
“a” is the integer used to designate the Time History pattern wave.
0 = Sin wave
1 = Cos wave
“c” is the integer used to designate the units used for the frequency or period.
0 = Hz
1 = RPM
2 = sec
“d” is the integer used to designate the Ramp Up frequency function.
0 = None
1 = Linear
2 = Quadratic
“e” is the integer used to designate the Ramp Up magnitude function.
0 = None
1 = AutoCalc
2 = Linear
3 = Quadratic
“f” is the integer used to designate the Coast Down frequency function.
0 = None
1 = Linear
2 = Quadratic
“g” is the integer used to designate the Coast Down magnitude function.
0 = None
1 = AutoCalc
2 = Linear
3 = Quadratic
Explanation of the Time History Load General Data {a}
Explanation of the Time History Load Entries Data {a b c d.dd f.ff}
“a” is the integer used to designate the number of joints.
-99 = All
“b” is the integer used to designate the type.
0 = Force
1 = Acceleration
“c” is the integer used to designate the Direction.
88 = Gobal X Direction
89 = Global Y Direction
90 = Global Z Direction
120 = Local Mx direction
121 = Local My direction
122 = Local Mz direction
EigenSolution Data
This section consists of the EigenSolution data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the EigenSolution Data {a b d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u v w x}
Response Spectra Solution Data
This section consists of the Response Spectra data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Response Spectra Data {a b c d e f g h i j.jj k.kk l.ll}
Spectra Scaling Factor Data
Explanation of the Spectra Scaling Factor Data {a.aa d.dd e f.ff h.hh i.ii j.jj k.kk l.ll n.nn o.oo p.pp q.qq}
Load Combination Data
This section consists of the Response Spectra data. Indentations are shown for illustration only.
Explanation of the Load Combination Data {a b c d e f.ff h.hh i j k l m o p q r "blc1" s.ss1 "blc2" s.ss2... "blc " s.ss10}
The Load Combination Label is a designator set by the user may be up to 80 characters long.
Saved Selection State Data
Rebar Layout Data
"LAYOUT_TYPE" a.aa b;
"LAYER_TYPE" a.aa e f g;
"LAYOUT_TYPE" a.aa b c;
"LAYER_TYPE" a.aa d.dd f g h;
"LAYOUT_TYPE" a.aa b c;
"LAYOUT_TYPE" a.aa d:
Explanation of Beam Rebar Layout Data {a.aa b}
“b” is the integer used to designate the rebar set.
0 = ASTM A615
1= ASTM A615M
2 = BS 4449
3 = prENV 10080
4 = CSA G30.18
5 = IS 1786
Explanation of Beam Rebar Layers Data {a.aa e f g}
“e” is the integer used to designate the bar size.
0 = #8
1 = #10
2 = #12
3 = #16
4 = #18
5 = #22
6 = #25
7 = #28
8 = #32
9 = #36
10 = #13
“g” is the integer used to designate the starting reference position.
1 = Top
2 = Bottom
Explanation of Column Rebar Layout Data {a.aa b c}
“b” is the integer used to designate the Rebar Set
0 = ASTM A615
1= ASTM A615M
2 = BS 4449
3 = prENV 10080
4 = CSA G30.18
5 = IS 1786
“c” is the integer used to designate the rebar shape.
0 = Rectangular
1 = Circular
Explanation of Column Rebar Layers Data {a.aa d.dd f g h}
“f” is the integer used to represent the bar size.
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7 (Default)
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
9 = #14
10 = #18
“h” is the integer used to designate the starting reference position.
1 = Top
2 = Bottom
Explanation of Shear Rebar Layouts Data {a.aa b c}
“b” is the integer used to designate the rebar set.
0 = ASTM A615
1= ASTM A615M
2 = BS 4449
3 = prENV 10080
4 = CSA G30.18
5 = IS 1786
Explanation of Shear Rebar Regions {a.aa d}
“d” is the integer used to designate the bar size.
0 = #3
1 = #4
2 = #5
3 = #6
4 = #7
5 = #8
6 = #9
7 = #10
8 = #11
9 = #14
10 = #18